
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

If you had studied, you would know that the Church put the Bible together

When Paul spoke of tradition in a positive sense, it always referred to the tradition they had already received from the apostles. There is not one indication from Scripture that new traditions should be followed or developed. Never.
So what apostle taught that the book of Hebrews was the inspired word of God?

Is Hebrews in the bible? Yes. Does God say all scripture is inspired? Yes
Isn't it you who quoted the verse which says, "study to show yourself approved"?

If you had studied, you would know that the Church put the Bible together in the 3rd century. So, answer the question, which Apostle said that Hebrews was inspired?

Always always...not trusting God.
We trust God. That is why we believe in His Church. The Church which selected and canonized the Bible which you claim to hold in high esteem.

But OP was talking about what Paul preached and traditions.
The OP is about Sola Scriptura. And the question is directly to the point. How do you know, by Sola Scriptura, who wrote the book of Hebrews? In almost every other epistle, St. Paul identifies himself in the beginning or in the end. But there is no indication whatsoever in the Book of Hebrews. So, how do YOU know who wrote it?

How do you know they had not already received Hebrews? How do you know Hebrews was not part of what Paul preached?
We know because it is a teaching of the Church. The question for you is, how does Sola Scriptura help you to determine whether your opinion is true or not?


De Maria

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