
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Which book of the Bible is essential to salvation?

When it comes to the 'extra' books found in the Roman Catholic Bible, just exactly how did they get there?
 They are part of the Old Testament which is included in the Vulgate by St. Jerome.

Many Roman Catholics wonder why and how we can say we have the Bible and yet non-RC Bibles do not include these 'extra' books which are obviously found in theirs. What do these 'extra' books contain?
 Historical, metaphorical, wisdom and prophetic literature of the Jews.

Why are they there?
 For our spiritual edification.

Are they essential to salvation

Which book of the Bible is essential to salvation? There are many lessons in most books of the Bible which are essential to salvation.

-- and if they are not - why not?

First, you'll have to prove which books you consider essential. Then which doctrines you consider essential, for instance Sola Scriptura, is it essential. Then since you believe in Sola Scriptura, you'll have to provide the Scripture and verse proving all these things are required in Scripture.

Can Roman Catholics who really know, give some intelligent and meaningful answers to these questions?

They have continually done so. But the same confused and illogical objections and questions are repeated by Protestants.

Whereas, no intelligent or meaningful response is forthcoming concerning the justification for the doctrine of Sola Scriptura from Scripture.


De Maria

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