
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Traditions once delivered and taught by the apostles

Which traditions? Traditions once delivered and taught by the apostles,

or those invented by the RCC?
It is Protestants who have invented traditions like Scripture alone and faith alone.

You've yet to provide the inspired traditions taught by the apostles.
I've provided them over and over, but you simply deny what I say. Lets take the Tradition of the Faith of Christ. 

The Apostles taught us to have faith in Christ.
The Church teaches us to have faith in Christ in accordance with the Tradition of the Faith of Christ. This is handed down generation to generation and it doesn't matter if we have a Bible in our hand when we do it.
Of course, we demonstrate the Faith of Christ in our rituals and celebrations as well as in our behavior (i.e.let your light shine before men).
The Scriptures also proclaim the Faith of Christ.

Care to dispute this?


De Maria

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