
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Protestants need to convert, 2nd response to PBJ

Which is also a superficial non-answer to the basis for assurance of Truth,
According to you. But I can ask you the same question. What is the basis for your assurance of Truth?
as it ignores the problem of how you know that what Rome calls the word of God is just that.
No it doesn't. You didn't ask that question, therefore I answered what was asked.
The reason I know that what the Catholic Church calls the Word of God is the Word of God is manifold.
1. The witness of the Church Fathers, through the centuries
2. The witness of the Liturgies of the Church, through the centuries.
3. The witness of documents of the Church, through the centuries.
4. The witness of secular history.
Notice that I am not even including the witness of Scripture and Sacred Tradition because they are both the Word of God. However, they both witness, one for the other. And the Magisterium of the Church, witnesses for both.
To be consistent you must mean your basis for Truth is based upon the premise of the assured veracity of Rome, as an assuredly infallible magisterium is essential to know what the word of God is
I never denied that I believe the Catholic Church is infallible. But that is not my only reason that I believe that Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture make up the Word of God passed down by Jesus Christ through the Church. And you didn't ask that question either.
Thus to be consistent 1st. c. souls could not have know what men and writings were of God except by looking to the historical instruments and stewards of Divine revelation, which Scripture tells us were those who sat in the seat of Moses over Israel, who were the historical instruments and stewards of Scripture, and inheritors of promises of Divine guidance, presence and perpetuation. (Lv. 10:11; Dt. 4:31; 17:8-13; Is. 41:10, Ps. 89:33,34)
That was the Old Testament. But Jesus came along, established the Catholic Church, commanded the Catholic Church to Teach His commands through all generations and fulfilled the Old Testament.
The Catholic Church then wrote the New Testament based upon the Teachings of Jesus Christ.
But instead they followed an itinerant Preacher whom the magisterium rejected,
Whom the Jews rejected. Let's be clear on that point. The magisterium of the Jews rejected Jesus Christ. But Jesus Christ established a new Magisterium.
and whom the Messiah reproved them Scripture as being supreme, (Mk. 7:2-16) and established His Truth claims upon scriptural substantiation in word and in power, as did the early church as it began upon this basis. (Mt. 22:23-45; Lk. 24:27,44; Jn. 5:36,39; Acts 2:14-35; 4:33; 5:12; 15:6-21;17:2,11; 18:28; 28:23; Rm. 15:19; 2Cor. 12:12, etc.)
Jesus Christ did not place the Scriptures above His Word:
Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
Jesus Christ established His Traditions and commanded the Church to Teach (Matt 28:19-20). He never mentioned putting anything in writing nor handing out Bibles.
Thus under your basis for assurance of Truth, and its presuppositions, De Maria has nuked the NT church and replaced it with a false one.
On the contrary, the Catholic Church is the one which Jesus Christ established and this is proven by Scripture, Tradition, Magisterium, secular history, the writings of the Fathers and more.
True, but what the apostles preached was not established as being of God on the Roman basis of assured veracity, but upon scriptural substantiation in word and in power, "not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. (2 Corinthians 4:2)

But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses,..By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, (2 Corinthians 6:4,7)
That is a false dichotomy since the Catholic Church wrote the New Testament. That verse which you are quoting was written by a Catholic. And here's how I'll prove it. You believe the Catholic Doctrine that men are mediators of God's word to be a blasphemous teaching. You also deny that any man can represent God. But 2 Corinthians was written by a Catholic who has no such objections:
2 Corinthians 5:20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.
Likewise those who sat in the seat of Moses, thus to be consistent, 1st. c. souls should have submitted to themas to Rome under your model. But while we both affirm the magisterial office, never did that mean perpetual magisterial infallibility.
So you say, but I follow the Scripture:
Ephesians 3:10 to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,
If the Church is teaching the wisdom of God in eternity, then that speaks of perpetual magisterial infallibility. Eternal-perpetual, Teaching-magisterial, Wisdom of God-infallible.
And under which presumption her claim not to contradict Scripture is spurious, as that is according to her autocratic judgment.
Again, that is your biased judgement. But the Scripture tells us plainly that the Church upholds the Truth (1 Tim 3:15) and that we learn the Word of God from our rulers in the Church (Heb 13:7).
But this presumes the magisterium is infallible, which is a novelty unknown and unnecessary in Scripture. Instead, while rebellion against magisterial authority could even mean death, (Dt. 17:8-13) God often provided and preserved Truth by raising up men from without the magisterium. And thus the church also began and has been preserved.
Jesus Christ introduced many New things in the New Testament. In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit leads Christ's Church into all truth:
John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
Therefore, the Catholic Church is infallible.
Rather, what you do represent is not Scriptural Teaching. Until you can admit that wha you affirms is wrong, that an infallible magisterium is NOT essential for valid assurance of Truth and to fulfill promises of Divine presence, providence of Truth, and 
preservation of faith;
It is you who are wrong. Scripture is clear that Jesus Christ established an infallible Church.
And that being the historical instruments and stewards of Divine revelation (oral and written) does NOT means that such is that assuredly infallible magisterium,
Yes, it does.
 and instead concur that the church began by establishing its Truth claims upon scriptural substantiation in word and in power,
Scripture itself records that this is not true. The New Testament shows Jesus establishing a Church and commanding that Church to pass on His Teaching. He didn't write a word of Scripture.
under OT Scripture being supreme,
Jesus Christ did not place the OT above His Word which He passed on in Sacred Tradition.
 then do not bother taking up more time with more propaganda as you do elsewhere.
Lol! You have been raised up for one purpose, that Catholics may show your heresies to the world and more people may come to God's Church. I pray that you may be amongst them.

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