
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Thank you for helping the St. Paul Center continue its work in 2014

Dear Friend in Christ,
On behalf of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, thank you for your support, encouragement and prayers in 2014. They've helped us make a difference in the lives of thousands of fellow Catholics, helping them to rediscover the transforming power of God’s Word.
The calendar year is ending tomorrow night—the last opportunity to make a tax-deductible donation.
It is very important that we begin 2015 with as strong a financial foundation as possible. On average, non-profits raise 20% of their annual funds in the last few days of the year.
Since I founded the St. Paul Center more than ten years ago, over four dozen of the best Scripture scholars in the country have joined me in laying the foundations for a new generation of biblical scholarship.
Together, we’re working towards the day when the best Bible studies in your town, the best teaching in your town, and the best preaching in your town will all be found at your local Catholic parish.
None of this would be possible without your support. On behalf of the staff of the St. Paul Center, please accept our heart-felt gratitude and prayers.
Wishing you and yours a very Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year,
In Christ,
Dr. Scott Hahn
P.S. I invite you to view my video "Thank You" message below, where I review the year's accomplishments, made possible by the help of supporters like yourself, and God's Grace. Please continue to bless our work with your prayers, and please click here to make your most generous, tax deductible gift today.
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