
Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Berean episode confirms the Teaching of the Church

Plus he (De Maria) has forgotten the Bereans. They went directly to Scripture to see if they were being told the truth by Paul and Silas (what RCCers would call representatives of the church). And they were commended for doing so. They didn't just blindly accept what they were told.

this claim about the bereans is tired and old. the thesselicans were the sola scriptura people. the listen to paul, studied the scriptures, didnt agree and tried to kill them.
the berenas listened to paul studied the scriptures and agreed with Paul. the bereans accepted preaching from Paul. the thessies didnt. they both searched the scriptures and they came to different conclusions about paul.
this on going clinging to the bereans as sola scriptura advocates is a joke. the accepted the preaching of Paul, without the NT and only the OT. they themselves needed paul to explain and teach them.
So scripture is lying about the bereans? God lies in His word?
No one said a thing about sola scriptura. Please read the thread and keep up.
who said Jesus lied? or his word lied? I am saying the bereans, who are always pointed to as evidence for the false doctrine of sola scriptura, where is no way sola scriptura. they needed paul and the church to guide them. they accepted the preaching of Paul as opposed to those jews in thessonia who clung only to their intepretation of scripture and refused to agree with paul and the church.
Sola scriptura, again, is not in the OP.

Then what was Discerner talking about when he brought up the Bereans? Protestants often use that verse in the mistaken belief that it supports Sola Scriptura when in fact, it confirms Tradition, Scripture and Magisterium.


De Maria

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