
Sunday, December 28, 2014

They accepted the Teaching of the Church after they searched the Scriptures

who said Jesus lied? or his word lied? I am saying the bereans, who are always pointed to as evidence for the false doctrine of sola scriptura, where is no way sola scriptura. they needed paul and the church to guide them.

No, they tested everything Paul said agasint the Scriptures....
So did the Thessalonicans. The difference between the Thessalonicans and the Bereans is that the Bereans accepted the Teaching of the Church. The Thessalonicans rejected the Teaching of the Church.
they accepted the preaching of Paul

Not until they searched the Scriptures to see if those things were so… 

Exactly! They accepted the Teaching of the Church after they searched the Scriptures. They accepted Tradition, Scripture and Magisterium, not Scripture alone.


De Maria

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