
Friday, January 2, 2015

7QT's on Why believe?

On a certain forum, we're having a discussion titled,  Why believe?  Therein I talk about many reasons why I believe in God.  I think I can summarize them in these 7 Quick Takes.

Here are 7 quick reasons to believe in God.  Skepticism, scientific method, deductive reasoning, intelligence, design,  living rocks, laws


I'm a skeptic.  If you tell me something is true, you'd better be able to prove it, TO ME.  If you want me to believe in say, abiogenesis, the idea that life sprang out of lifeless matter by itself without God's involvement, you need to produce concrete proof.


As a youngster, I was trained to use the scientific method to determine if something is true.

1. Construct a Hypothesis. God exists.
2. Test Your Hypothesis. Does the scientific data disprove the existence of God?
In my opinion, "No!" Quite the opposite. In my opinion, scientific data supports the existence of God. 

Deductive reasoning takes a set of premises and deduces from them the truth.
a. The Big Bang theory. Newton's first law that an object at rest remains at rest disproves the Big Bang theory. A singularity would not expand unless energy is added to it. Therefore, the best explanation for the Big Bang is that an Entity outside of the singularity added energy to the singularity in order that it might expand.
b. Abiogenesis. Life does not spring from lifeless matter. Life produces life. Therefore, the best explanation of the beginning of life is that God had to produce it.
c. Evolution. The intricacy and elaborateness of the design of living organism can't be explained except by the existence of a primordial super intelligence which we humans have yet to achieve.


Human intelligence is wonderful.  But it has not yet begun to scratch the surface of the intelligence in nature which is being just now being discovered by science.


Closely linked to the intelligence we find in nature, is the design of the universe.  The design is beautiful and wondrous.  Everything is connected, one to the other.  There are systems and laws and processes which man could not dream of nor has even yet the ability to produce.


No one has ever witnessed nonliving matter come to life.  But even if they did, the assumption would have to be that Something or Someone, Grand and Supernatural, must have brought them to life.


Laws require a lawgiver.  The laws of nature which everything in creation observes and follows without deviation are of a super magnitude higher than the laws which human beings make.

That is why I believe in God.

For more Quick Takes, visit This Ain't The Lyceum

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