
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and obey it!

Comments are closed back on the St. Joseph Vanguard "God the the Church fall…" thread.  But, as often happens everywhere, there were some comments left which I would have loved to rebut.  Here's one from that page.

mike says: 
1)  “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” (Luke 11:27-28) This statement sounds pretty dang good for those advocating Scripture alone. 
 Mike, that says "blessed are they who HEAR the word of God".  Not blessed are they who READ it.
(And it’s quite amazing how it was said DIRECTLY after someone praised Mary.)
Yeah.  That's because it is spiritually about Mary.  It goes to the fact that Mary heard the Word of God conveyed by the Angel and obeyed it.  She didn't read it anywhere, so its not about Scirpture alone.
2) “Do not go beyond what is written.” (1 Corinthians 4:6)
Again, a pretty dang good statement for those advocating Scripture alone. And the RCC is way, way, way guilty of going against that one, too.
Wrong again.  Example above.  You read those words and attributed that to Scripture alone.  We read those words and know that it isn't about Scripture alone.  And we know this, we know the limit of the Scripture because we know the basis of the Scripture.  The basis of the Scripture is Sacred Tradition.

You don't know that because you don't keep Sacred Tradition.  Therefore, you have nothing to which you can compare.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks De Maria for putting up with the anti-Catholic trolls.

    Amazing how they can utilize one sentence out of an entire chapter to back up their claims. But the Lord forbid when a Catholic quotes Scripture, then it HAS to be wrong. Sigh...

    God Bless ya for what you do and what you put up with.


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