
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Joe and Summer Allman - Journey Home


  1. It's wonderful to see their joy in Christ! I wish most Catholics would display this openly. I think it is a cultural thing that we don't.

    Thanks for posting this DM! God Bless!

    mark thimesch

  2. I'm 57. I was born into a Catholic family. Although I fell away very young, I still remember that Catholics were admonished against vocal demonstrations of faith. We were instructed to evangelize by works. Priests were supposed to do all the evangelizing and debating.

    It has taken a very long time to stamp out the cultural habit of "clericalism". Where the laity sit back and do nothing unless commanded by the Priest.

    I think that has something to do with Catholic apathy. However, the greatest part to it is Satan's spiritual attack. He focuses on Catholics. Have you ever noticed how everyone from every denomination complains that they find it difficult to pray? I attribute it also to Satan.

    A hilarious illustration of that spiritual law is CS Lewis's "The Screwtape letters". (That's Max Mclean. He might be Protestant but I love his readings of Scripture.)

    1. I have C.S. Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters". What I found VERY compelling about the book was not so much the characters and the book itself, but the FOREWARD where it explains the extreme conflict of conscious while writing the book.

      Your words about Satan are absolutely correct. This is another thing that lead me back home. I have a close friend whose brother is an Exorcist in the FSSP and some of the information from those discussions really opened my eyes.

      Gob Bless
      mark thimesch

    2. Yep. As St. Paul says,

      Ephesians 6:12
      For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

      God bless you too,

      De Maria


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