
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Lighthouse Catholic Media - New Releases


Understanding the Crusades

by Dr. Thomas Madden

Dr. Thomas Madden is a professor of History at St. Louis University and has appeared in such venues as the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and The History Channel. 

In this eye-opening presentation, Dr. Madden debunks popular myths surrounding the crusades and shows us how the different misconceptions regarding the crusades have fed in the tension between the East and the West.
Understanding the Crusades

Faith At Work
by Matthew Kelly
Do you struggle with living your faith at work? Is holiness possible? Does being ethical help or hurt the profitability of a business? These are just some of the questions Matthew Kelly answers in this dynamic presentation.

Faith at Work & The Holy Moment

Encountering the Poor
by Dr. Timothy Gray
Uncover the true biblical roots for Catholic Social Teaching in this fascinating new talk from acclaimed speaker and teacher, Dr. Tim Gray. Learn how social justice to the poor is not one small piece in the puzzle but instead really frames the entire mosaic of scripture.

Encountering the Poor: Biblical Roots for Catholic Social Teaching

Light in the Darkness
by Patrick Lencioni

In this highly relevant talk, Patrick Lencioni provides a hopeful yet cautionary lesson about the dangers of living a partially Christian life. Patrick is the author of 10 books which have sold over 4 million copies and been translated into more than 25 languages.
Light in the Darkness

Guadalupe y el Misterio del Verbo Encarnado
by Xavier Fernandez
This new Spanish talk reveals an amazing perspective of the relationship between Mary, the Apocalypse and the Holy Eucharist.
Spanish - Guadalupe y el Misterio del Verbo Encarnado

La Misa Explicada
by Fr. Larry Richards
New Spanish translation! Inspiring speaker Fr. Larry Richards presents exciting and powerful insights into the history, spirituality, and biblical foundations of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. 

Spanish - La Misa Explicada

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