
Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Woman of Rev 12 gave birth to the Messiah. Do you deny that?

Josiah:  HAHAHAHAHA....
Why do some Catholics INSIST on proving that their distinctive DOGMAS have no Scriptural support? Why is that?
READ what you posted. Don't just copy/paste something you found at CatholicAnswers and never bother to read it or consider what it says (and doesn't say) - you end up hurting your own cause.
All with eyes KNOWS - this verse says NOTHING about Mary, NOTHING about her body or soul, NOTHING about her death (or was it undeath), NOTHING about anyone's or anything's assumption to anywhere - ever. I know that. YOU KNOW THAT - you just didn't brother to read what you copy/pasted from CatholicAnswers, right?
I think those fundamentalist Catholics at CatholicAnswers just close their eyes, open their Bible, plop their index finger wherever it falls, and say "THERE! There's the proof!" How else can they come up with verses like this? How else?

Let me break it down for you.

1. The Woman of Rev 12 gave birth to the Messiah. Do you deny that?
Revelation 12

King James Version (KJV)

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:...
And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

2. Jesus Christ is the Messiah. Do you deny that?

3. Mary is the mother of Christ.

Therefore, the Woman of Rev 12 is Mary the mother of Christ.

It seems really simple.


De Maria

1 comment:

  1. Josiah said:".. just close their eyes, open their Bible, plop their index finger wherever it falls, and say "THERE! There's the proof!" How else can they come up with verses like this? How else?"

    I think he has protest-ants confused with Catholics because that is EXACTLY what they do. They can't read anything in context.

    There is a reason Scripture calls it a "great sign" because it reveals Christ's promise to His people, that being: those who obey and follow His Teachings and Church will be in Heaven. Another reason it is such a great sign is because almost any Jew at that time who read or heard these words would know what it meant (think the early Israeli empire)

    There is a reason the Woman is crowned with twelve stars. If the Woman represented Christ's Church, why the twelve stars if everyone who follows Christ is to be united in One Body? A crown symbolizes royalty and authority and is set upon the head by the people who have elected them King and Queen. What do the "twelve stars" represent, if not the Jewish People? Mary is descended from the Jews. Since if it strictly represented the Church, then that would imply the Church is strictly Jewish. Oops!

    Why is she "clothed as the sun"? Does it symbolize God's Glory, or is it that gold has always been regarded as something possessed by royalty? Maybe both? Could it represent the celestial body itself? If it did, where is the sun located?

    Why does the Woman have "the moon beneath her feet"? What does it symbolize or is it literal? If protest-ants claim that the Woman is the Israel then they have a problem, for you see, Israel never went on to conquer or rule any other nation from that moment in time. They became subject to many conquering empires over the centuries, not did they have authority over anything at the time.

    But the interesting thing here is that the moon is "beneath" Her feet! Why? Could it be that the moon being a celestial body, is also signaling to the reading that ALL of heaven is also her's? Notice the stars in the background mentioned further? A Woman with a crown, covered in "gold" and giving birth to the Great Ruler sounds like a Queen to me....not a just a Church.

    Sigh....sad to see such blindness in people.

    God Bless


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