
Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Bible says unbelievers and atheists do not do anything good

TM:this is still double speak.
Yes it is God who saves but your statement is contradictory because unless one keeps the commandments God will not save him is what you claim.
God saves those who keep the Commandments. That is what Scripture says.

To be saved in other words one must keep all the commandments of the law.
One must keep the Ten Commandments.

The Bible says no one does good.
The Bible says unbelievers and atheists do not do anything good.

Read Romans chapter 3.
Let's go through it together.


De Maria


  1. Oh boy! This should turn out to be VERY interesting! Can't wait to read this outcome but I'm familiar with Romans chapter 3 and I think TM is going to have some problems :-)

    God Bless ya De Maria for defending our Faith!

  2. I'm afraid he didn't take me up on the challenge.

    1. Not surprised by that, De Maria. This is what i commonly encounter myself when talking with some protestant friends I know. They simply want "simple salvation". Believe in Jesus and all is good :-(


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