
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Priests for Life - Week of Prayer Announced

August 22-29 Event to Focus on Ending the Evils of Planned Parenthood
A coalition of religious and pro-life groups announced today that from August 22-29, 2015, they will lead a Week of Prayer to End the Evils of Planned Parenthood.

At, several prayers have been posted to utilize during this week. These prayers include the intentions of repentance for our nation, an end to the killing of children and the selling of their body parts, healing for those wounded by abortion, conversion of abortionists, and strength and perseverance for pro-life activists.

Churches are asked to utilize and promote these prayers among their congregations. Those who are participating are asked to sign up on the form at

The effort, headed by Priests for Life, includes the following groups, with more to come:
Priests for LifeFaith and Action
National Pro-life Religious CouncilGospel of Life Ministries
National Clergy CouncilNational Pro-life Center
Charismatic Episcopal Church for LifeNational Institute of Family and Life Advocates
Presbyterians Pro-lifeCatholics Called to Witness
Evangelical Church AllianceJill Stanek (
Conservative Congregational Christian Conference
Fr. Pavone on latest video: Were these babies born alive?
NEW YORK –Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, released the following statement today regarding the newest video made public by the Center for Medical Progress.
“The latest video, released today, increases the evidence that Planned Parenthood is violating federal law that prohibits selling body parts or altering the abortion procedure to obtain such parts. Moreover, the video talks about obtaining full fetal cadavers. It raises the disturbing question as to whether some of these babies are born alive and then killed. Kermit Gosnell is serving life sentences for doing that. It may be time for some Planned Parenthood doctors to join him in prison.
“The discussion of full cadavers is no surprise to me; in fact, I have obtained full cadavers of aborted babies, in order to bury them, from pathologists who in turn got them from abortion clinics.”

Priests for Life
PO Box 141172
Staten Island, NY 10314
Phone: 888-PFL-3448
Fax: 718-980-6515
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