
Friday, April 26, 2013

The soul sleep doctrine is a doctrine of death.

  1. Christians Truth said...
    My reply: The soul sleep doctrine is a doctrine of death. Those who love Jesus will continue to live in heaven with him spiritually after the death of the physical body.

    I didn't say anything about soul sleep. I said:
    The Bible says that when the Saints die, they remain alive in Christ. Do you deny this? John 11:26

    My reply: You need to clarify what you mean by “watching over us.” Watching us and watching OVER us are two different things.

    Either one will do in this case.
    Scripture says that the Saints are watching us. Do you deny this?
    Scripture says that the Saints are watching over us. Do you deny this? 

    My reply: Revelation 8:3 talks about the prayers of the saints.

    In response to things happening on earth.


My reply: We are to pray TO GOD for others.

    I take that as a "yes".

    My reply: What happened? You completely stopped using scripture.

    I posted Scripture and then explained it to you.

    The scriptures do not say what you just did.

    Yes, it does. If you understand the Spirit of the Word.

    Nowhere does God tell us to pray TO anyone besides Him.

    To whom is this person praying?
    Genesis 12:13
Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister: that it may be well with me for thy sake; and my soul shall live because of thee.

    My reply: Again, we are to pray FOR others, and we can ask others to pray FOR us. HOWEVER, WE ARE NOT TO PRAY TO ANYONE EXCEPT GOD.

    See the question right above. As I told you before, you understand words in a worldly sense. We use them in accordance with the Spirit of God taught by the Church.


    De Maria

  2. Christians Truth said...
My reply: Mary is the mother of human Jesus.

    Are you denying that Jesus is God?

    God does not have a mother.

    God gave Himself a mother, Mary.

    Where do you get to say that Mary loves God more than any mortal that ever lived does?

    She is the Mother of God. And mothers love their children more than any other mortal beings.

    In addition, how do you think that you can use that as a means to put Mary in as a fourth person, even taking the position in many ways of that of Jesus!

    I have no idea what you are talking about. Mary is a member of the Body of Christ. But she is most important member, because she gave birth to the Body. She gave birth to Christ without whom we would not be saved.

    My reply: You are trying to bring in the blasphemous doctrine of elevating Mary to that of a fourth person in the Three. 

    Do you deny that Christ is all grace? Do you deny that Mary brought Him forth from her womb?

My reply: How do you think you can use Colossians 1:5 to support what you just said? 

    First answer the question. Do you deny that Jesus Christ is all grace? Yes or no.

    My reply: the Apostles, and the Prophets, and Jesus Christ himself as chief cornerstone laid the foundation, see Hebrews 2:4, and the foundation IS LAID, see Ephesians 2:20. What the Apostles, and Prophets could do, is not everything that we can do, and we cannot ADD to the foundation that is already laid! 

    What? We can't be Saints? That is precisely why Jesus came. In order that we could become Saints:
    1 Peter 2:5
Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.


    That is true. But you do. That is why I don't follow your interpretation of the Word but follow the Catholic Church, the Pillar and Foundation of the Truth.

    What Jesus said to the Apostles, is NOT what is a given to anyone else. The Catholic popes and priests do not get the authority the Apostles have. The popes and priests do not get to add to God’s word!

    The Church is God's voice on earth. It is the Church which is authorized by God to teach His Wisdom (Ephesians 3:10).

  3. cont'd

    Christian Truth said:
    My reply: The Apostles were among the first brothers to Jesus. The apostles did not tell anyone to call them father. They are all brothers. No brothers called the Apostles ‘father.’ Jesus commanded us not to.

    Scripture is clear that St. Paul considered himself our father through the Gospel. As did St. John the Apostle. We follow the Apostolic Tradition.

    My reply: We are not worshiping in an earthly Tabernacle anymore.

    Thank you! The Mass is the joining of the earthly worship to the heavenly Liturgy, where they continue to dress in robes:
    Revelation 7:9
After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;

    My reply: No such thing of the Catholic Papists. Jesus says, “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. “ Where does Jesus say what you say, that the “Papal Seat is the continuation of Moses’ Seat”?

    He says so right here, where He calls Simon by His Own Name, Rock, thus indicating that Simon is now the Rock who guides the Church and who has the power to bind on earth and in heaven (Matt 16:18-19).

    Jesus said, “So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.” Are you using what Jesus says to support the disobedience of Catholic popes and priests? 

    I am using it to show you that Jesus respects the authority of men whom God placed in authority over us. He specifically says, "obey them". But of His own disciples, whose followers are now in the Catholic Church, Jesus says:

    John 17:
    20Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
     21That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

    Jesus calls them hypocrites! 

    Jesus calls the Pharisees hypocrites. Quit adding to God's word your own presuppositions.

    Do you want to put in place of your leadership men that are hypocrites? Do you want to obey men who go against Jesus?

    That is precisely what you do. Therefore, the answer is no. I don't follow those who go against the Word of God.

    De Maria

  4. Christians Truth said...My reply: WHEN CORNELIUS IN REVERENCE FELL AT the feet of Peter, Peter made him get up. “Stand up,” he said, “I am only a man myself.” See Acts 10:25-26

    Divide the word rightly, please. Let us see what Scripture actually says:
    Acts 10:25
And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet, andworshipped him.

    My reply: Let it be noted that you do not use scripture that support your beliefs. Try writing out the scripture in a sentence explaining what you believe. You cannot do so because your beliefs go against scripture. 

    1. All you need to do is run your mouse over the reference and it becomes visible.
    2. I frequently do write it out. It doesn't seem to help your understanding.
    3. Is the word "obeisance" giving you a problem? Those references all had examples of men giving "obeisance" to Kings and to God's anointed servants.

    In the New Testament, God calls us all saints and priests, and WE ARE BROTHERS AND SERVANTS, AND WE ARE NOT TO BE BOWED DOWN TO, NOT EVEN THE ANGELS OF GOD ARE TO BE BOWED TO, SEE Revelation 19:10.

    We are not to be bowed down to in worship. Neither are Saints. But the verses I already posted show men bowing (doing obeisance) to men. And this verse shows Joshua, doing obeisance to the leader of God's army, St. Michael, the archangel (Rev 12:7):

    Joshua 5:14
And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my Lord unto his servant?
    Did St. Michael instruct him to get up? No. Because he did not worship him as God, but as the Captain of God's armies, did him homage.

    My reply: Catholics DO pray to relics and ask for healing from them.

    No, we don't.

    Do a simple Google search and study.

    Therefore it should be very simple for you to provide an example of a prayer to a relic and not to the Saint whom we venerate through his relic.
    In the meantime, here's a google search reference:
    Google list

    Show me even one which has a prayer to the bone or artifact. Here's an excellent teaching on the relics.

    And here's an example of the prayers referenced.

    My reply: Here you admit that you pray TO saints. Healing comes from God, not the saints. 

    Again, to whom is this person, highlighted in Scripture, praying?
    1 Kings 20:32
So they girded sackcloth on their loins, and put ropes on their heads, and came to the king of Israel, and said, Thy servant Benhadad saith, I pray thee, let me live. And he said, Is he yet alive? he is my brother.

    My reply: Many are called, few are chosen. "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” See Matthew 7:13-14.

    A few. Not simply one. Since you follow no man but only your interpretation of the Word of God, you do not fall in the category of a few.

    My reply: The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." See John 3:8.

    Ephesians 4:14
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
    The doctrines which you teach are not of the Spirit.

    De Maria

  5. Christians Truth said...
My reply: 1 Corinthians 10:16 is about not making idols out of the cup and bread. 

    It is about the Mass, about discerning the Body and Blood of the Lord in the bread and wine.

    My reply: Again, Paul is not saying it is a mortal sin to miss gathering. 

    Yes, he is.


My reply: We are to obey God, not men! See Acts 5:29.

    Scripture says we are to obey the men whom God put over us to lead us:
    Hebrews 13:17
Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

    My reply: No way, I am not a Catholic.

    You have rejected Catholicism, as you said. And have thus condemned yourself.

    You use scripture as Satan does. Jesus Christ Himself saved me. Jesus revealed Himself to me, after I obeyed Him!! Trust in God, not in men. Do what the scriptures say, and God will reveal Himself to you, that is what Jesus Christ says. Try it, De Maria. Try it.

    God has revealed Himself to me. He is in the Holy Eucharist of the Catholic Church. Come back to the Catholic Church and taste and see the goodness of God.

    De Maria

  6. Christians Truth said...My reply: Catholics burn incense to objects, the bronze snake was destroyed for that!

    We burn incense only for God.

    My reply: You are welcome! I have noticed that it is taken you longer than once was to get back to me. I hope that you go to my post about the testimony of a former Roman Catholic Priest. Please read it carefully, and let us discuss it together, okay? Take your time, but I hope to discuss with you soon. Talk with you later…


    De Maria

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