
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Comparison Jennifer Fulwiler and Devin Rose journeys to the Catholic Church from Atheism

I am especially intrigued by these two individuals, because I am also a convert from Atheism.

What I find most intriguing is that they both felt despair.  I felt something similar.  I didn't think it was some sort of psychological problem.  But I felt as though life was passing me by and I could do nothing to stop it.  Everyday, I felt as though my hair, on the back of my neck, stood on end.  Time, seemed a physical thing, a wind that was blowing by me and I couldn't accomplish anything that I set out to do.  I didn't have enough time.

Notice, that neither of these two have negative feelings towards their Atheist family, friends and acquaintances.  As Jennifer said in another video, "most Atheists don't go around killing puppies or anything like that."  People, in my opinion, whether atheist or believers, are inherently good.  After all, we are all children of God, made in God's image.

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