
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I don't see Him forbidding prayer to Saints.

I do not see God making a distinction when His word says who to pray to in heaven.
I don't see Him forbidding prayer to Saints.

If you weren't ever beating your husband you wouldn't have to worry eh?
I'm married to my wife, 27 years and counting. And no, I don't beat her.

Talking about prayer, not adoration
You're accusing us of adoring the Saints by our prayers to them. 

And don't tell me you don't adore prayers say so
 I adore Mary in the sense that I adore my mother or my wife. In the sense of extreme love. Not in the sense of worshipping a deity.

I already told you no one prays to them
Good. Then what are you complaining about?

No it is not.
I showed you why.
You can believe what you want, but you are in error.
Again, I will let all compare our arguments. You are presenting a man's argument vs. the Scripture which I present.

Holy ground is not created by an angel.
Where does that say that the Captain of God's host created the holy ground?

Verse 15 shows holy ground. Read it
I see it. Where does it say that the Captain created the holy ground?

As I said
You are interpreting what justifies you disobeying God and directing prayers to those other than God
I am not.
I pray to God only in ALL things.
I pray to God in all things as well. But I also pray to God through the saints.

No I am not satisfied with error thank you.
God did not tell you to define it further, but you are going above God and guessing what HIS definitions are
I am doing the same thing as you. I am reading God's word in English. But God's word did not come upon this earth originally in English. Therefore I am using the definitions which are provided to me by those who came before all of us and developed the language. And established definitions of the words. Which, you are twisting to your own destruction.

He did not direct us to pray to anyone in heaven but God. That is the simple truth that you can't get around. To say anything else is to call God a liar.
On the contrary, the simple truth is that He did not forbid us praying to anyone else in heaven and Scripture bears it out:
Mark 9:4
King James Version (KJV)And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus.

If it were a sin to communicate with those in heaven, Jesus would not have communicated with Eijah and Moses.

Alive saints, no. Saints in heaven yes as He said to direct prayers in heaven to God
And by example He communicated with the Saints in heaven.

Many things are not requested of Mary in the bible. Hogwash.
But we know that Christ is her son, born of her womb and which she fed at her breast. Logic tells us that Jesus cried for nourishment. Cried for comfort. And that Jesus, like any young child had to request many things of His mother. Unless you don't believe that Jesus was a human child who relied upon His mother. In that case, you'll have to prove it to me. From Scripture please:
Luke 2:51-52
King James Version (KJV)51 And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.

Even THERE Jesus told them NOT TO PRAY TO THEM.
Show me.


De Maria

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