
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

What did you give up for Lent?

I gave up debating on other people's blogs and websites.  I'll be managing my own blogs, but nothing else through the next 40 days.

It may not seem hard to you, but my wife appreciates it.  I quite enjoy wrangling for the faith all over the internet.

So, what did you give up?


  1. Three years ago for Lent, I gave up sleeping on my bed and replaced it with the floor.

    Two years ago for Lent, I gave up reading books for Lent, which practically killed me.

    Last year for Lent, I gave up trading the markets Monday through Wednesday.

    This year for Lent, I am giving up driving my car unless it is needed for emergencies. I can walk to other places, like the post office, grocery store, Mass, etc.

    1. Awesome! Those are unique. I guess because of my wife's heart attack, Lent kind of sneaked up on us. We usually get together and decide what we'll give up as a family. This year we didn't do that. I'm out of town and I actually don't know what the rest of my family has given up.

      Its nice that you have all those things in walking distance. All we have in walking distance is a tire shop. And we take advantage of that when we need tires.


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