
Monday, February 23, 2015

Priests for life - February 23, 2015

On his website,, the post-abortive father tells a story that is heartbreaking even though it is familiar to those in pro-life ministry.

David, now a pastor who reaches out to young men, will share his story on Radio Maria at 6 p.m. ET Tuesday, Feb. 24 on “The Gospel of Life” with Janet Morana, Priests for Life Executive Director, and Father Frank Pavone, National Director. They also will be joined by Kevin Burke, a Priests for Life pastoral associate who spearheads the Silent No More Awareness Campaign’s Fatherhood Forever initiative.

To find a station or to listen online, go to the Radio Maria website.

David was 19 and a sophomore in college when his first girlfriend got pregnant and they decided to abort their child. But the young woman was traumatized, and the relationship ended soon after the abortion. He began to drink heavily and became promiscuous, but somehow kept up with his studies and graduated with honors.
After he graduated from college and was working his way up the career ladder, David got involved with a woman at work, and she soon discovered she was pregnant. He knew he didn’t want to go through another abortion, so he became, in his words, “pro-life by default.” He married the mother of his child, even though he knew he didn’t love her. “Nothing changed about me except I had a ring on my finger.”

He was still drinking, still sleeping with other women, and he began to develop the same kind of anger that had plagued his father and ended his parent’s marriage. When his son was born, he found he couldn’t even get excited. When he and his wife separated, he felt like he had the best of both worlds. He could see his son when he wanted to, and continue his wild life “without feeling bad about it.”

But the day he watched his wife and son driving away in a U-Haul, and then attended a niece’s birthday party, he felt like “someone took a pin to the hot air balloon of my life. The weight of my sin had become too great.”
Later, when he was alone at home, “it was like God found me in my apartment.” He asked for help with his drinking, his cursing, his promiscuity. From that day, when he was 26, until he married four years later, he was chaste and sober.

But even with his new wife and their children, he still had eruptions of anger and depression. He found it hard to bond with his children, and couldn’t grieve for his mother when she died.

It wasn’t until he was asked to speak at a pregnancy center banquet and was working on his talk that he realized he had never sought forgiveness for his abortion decision, nor forgiven his mother for supporting that choice.
“The Lord allowed me to see the weight of that sin as I had never seen it before,” he said, “and as I spoke that night, I realized God was calling me to be a champion of the unborn.”

His frank talks about abortion, grief and the healing possible through Jesus are now reaching men all over the country.

Listeners are invited to call in at the toll-free number, 866-333-6279. Those who would prefer to ask a question online may send an email to

“The Gospel of Life” is re-aired at 2 a.m. ET on Thursdays and midnight Sunday. All the shows are archived at

Please tune in to our other TV and Radio shows and special appearances this week:

Defending Life TV/Radio (Brand new Defending Life episodes begin on March 4)
Airing on EWTN: Wednesday, February 25th at 2:30am and Thursday, February 26th at 11:00pm. Listen on EWTN Radio every Saturday at 6:30pm ET and Sunday at 5am and 1pm.  (All times Eastern)
Topic: Myths, Men, and Abortion.  Janet Morana and Fr. Denis Wilde show how you can change the lives and attitudes of men, letting them know abortion hurts them too.

Airing on EWTN: Wednesday, February 25 at 11:00 pm and Friday, February 27 at 10:30 am
Topic: Fifty Shades of Grace Not Grey: Finding Pure Love in a Pornified World, Pt. 1 
Former porn addict Matt Fradd joins the trio to talk about how to combat pornography.

Airing: Watch on  National Religious Broadcasters network (NRB), Wednesday, February 25th at 4:30 pm ET. The NRB Network is on DIRECTV, channel 378. Gospel of Life is archived on the NRB Network Roku channel for seven days from the original air date. Also airing on SkyAngel 2 on Friday, February 27th at 6 am. ET. 
This Week on NRB: What the Nurses Saw
This Week's Topic on SkyAngel: Laborers in the Vineyard

Serie conducida por el Padre Víctor Salomón, de la Asociación de Sacerdotes por la Vida, en que entrevista a diferentes personalidades comprometidas en la defensa de la vida humana. La invitada de hoy, Astrid Bennett habla sobre el aborto en Iberoamérica.
Watch on EWTN:
domingo, 22 de Febrero a las 5:00
martes, 24 de Febrero a las 20:30
miércoles, 25 de Febrero a las 1:00
domingo, 26 de Abril a las 22:30

Other special appearances this week...
Hear us on EWTN radio on Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo.  Fr. Frank will be on with Teresa,February 25 at 8:15 a.m.  Call-in to the live show with questions at 877-573-7825. For more information and to listen to the live show on the internet, go to

Go to our online media schedule for more details and special appearances and the very latest programming information.

Priests for Life
PO Box 141172
Staten Island, NY 10314
Phone: 888-PFL-3448
Fax: 718-980-6515

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