
Monday, February 23, 2015

Within Catholicism we have Theological disagreement which can be resolved by Church authority

ROBERT February 10, 2015 at 1:42 pmThat’s demonstrably and historically false. Luther wanted to reform the church. And got the bum’s rush.
Rome can perhaps use this criticism when it can start disciplining either the liberals or conservatives. There is rampant theological disagreement in your communion. Far more than there is between me as a Presbyterian and Michael who is a Reformed Baptist. Yeah, our church doesn’t have the same visible home office. Having the same visible home office isn’t helping you guys stay together.
Lol! THAT is demonstrably false.
Theological disagreement is totally different than Theological revolt. That is the difference between Catholics and Protestants.
Within Catholicism we have Theological disagreement which can be resolved by Church authority. Within Protestantism you have Theological revolt and disarray which is resolved only when one party leaves and establishes his own flavor of religion.


  1. I think Robert needs to get his facts straight before making such a ludicrous statement.

    The Catholic Church CAN NOT change it's doctrines. The schisms that have resulted within our Church are because those who refused to listen to the Magisterium, decided to become their OWN magisterium and thus broke away. But our schisms are SMALL compared to the divisions that exist within protest-antism.

    Even among Robert's Presbyterians there are wide doctrinal disputes and understandings. The Catholic Church does not have such an issue.

  2. A little of topic but....

    Wow! I was reading the book of Tobit chapter 12, and I got to verses 12-16 and I just realized that St. John's Book of Revelations practically refers to THIS VERY PASSAGE! That is additional support that the Canon established by the Catholic Church was recognized by even the Apostles, AND supports "prayers to the Saints".

    I wonder why I never caught that before?

    God Bless you De Maria

    1. Wow! Great find! I love the book of Tobit and I never noticed that before. Thanks!


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