
Monday, February 9, 2015

Provide evidence from Scripture

I asked:
“Is there evidence of her sinfulness? Is there any evidence at all, in Scripture, that Mary committed any sin? Please provide chapter and verse so that we may discuss it.

Please provide the verses which you think deny her perpetual virginity. Chapter and verse.
Curious Presbyterian responded:
Demanding proof of negatives
Negatives. Before I continue I want to make sure to note that you just admitted that there is no evidence in Scripture that Mary committed any sin nor any evidence in Scripture which denies Mary’s perpetual virginity.
Demanding proof of negatives is a logical fallacy.
I’m not demanding proof of negatives. I’m asking you to provide positive evidence to support your contentions. Protestants claim they don’t believe anything which is not explicitly in Scripture. Well, where does Scripture say that Mary sinned and that Mary was not perpetually a virgin? Provide your positive proof.
We don’t concoct a bunch of beliefs and then demand that others show where the Bible denies them.
But you concoct a bunch of beliefs and claim that they are in Scripture and they are not. In fact, they contradict Scripture. Here’s an example. Where does Scripture say to hold Scripture alone? Have you folks not read in Scripture:
2 Thessalonians 2:15
Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
Let’s see: Mary had two heads. Can you prove me wrong by showing me where scripture denies it? “Chapter and verse.” Thought not . . .
I’m not the one who believes in Scripture alone. I believe in Scripture and Tradition as taught by the Magisterium. And the Magisterium always depicts a one headed Mary.
her assumption into Heaven
We see in Scripture (Rev 12:1) where a Woman who gave birth to the Messiah is found bodily in heaven. Since Mary is the mother of the Messiah, Jesus, we conclude that the Woman depicted in Rev 12 is symbolically teaches that Mary the mother of Jesus Christ is in heaven.
Do you have any proof, from Scripture, to the contrary?”
Thought not . . .
Because you didn’t think it through. I’m not Protestant. I’m Catholic. I believe the Church who wrote the Scriptures. Anything that the Scriptures do not mention directly, I can find in the teachings of the Church. Have you ever seen a statue of Mary with two heads?
De Maria


  1. That was real cute. I think someone needs a lesson in what it means to "prove a negative"

    Looks like Restless Pilgrim, along with many other protest-ants, want to use a double standard when it comes to evaluating the Catholic Church and her teachings.

    I'm seeing this over at Catholic Answers from two vitriolic anti-Catholics, and this is how it works:
    1) Make a false claim about the Catholic Church.

    2) Post a slanderous article from an anti-Catholic bigot that claims they have historical evidence that PROVES their claim.

    3) Cut the Scripture verse (or verses) in half and leave out words.

    4) Quote the full verse but substitute a personal interpretation so as not to agree with what the Catholic Church teaches (example: "When Jesus said one must be born again from water and spirit, He was talking about water being "man" and spirit meaning "soul").

    5) Ignore all Scriptural passages that disprove what I falsely claimed and then attack the very Scripture verse by attacking the Catholic Bible as "untrustworthy".

    6) Then contradict myself more than three or four times, so as to cause enough confusion on the blog post that anyone debating my position has no idea what it is I am trying to say because I'm not really there to debate and ask questions about the "whore" Church.

    7) Realize that all these vitriolic attacks will cause weak-kneed Catholics and those who are challenged in their Faith, to leave the Church because they are too confused now to defend any position I claim, no matter how false it is.

    8) Demand anyone who challenges my false claims that they MUST show me the Scriptural verse to disprove my argument. BUT ALL CATHOLICS MUST PROVIDE 300 VERSES TO PROVE THEIR DOCTRINES.

    9) And when I, the anti-Catholic bigot, am challenged or disproved, I have the RIGHT to utilize unhistorical, man-made claims, as well as personal opinions, which MUST be viewed as FACTS, whereas ALL WORDS OUT OF A CATHOLIC MOUTH are satanic lies.

    10) Find fellow anti-Catholic bigots and 'high-five" each other and pat one another on the back because WE KNOW we had to lie in order to protect what WE WANT to accept and believe and not what is really there. Because after all, we really haven't read ALL the Scriptures because we don't have time, as it would take away from our Catholic bashing, which should be done at all costs because our hatred is so much more important than being charitable like Jesus told us to be.

    1. Lol! You mean "curious Presbyterian". Restless Pilgrim is a devout and well spoken Catholic with an awesome website. I can see how the mistake could happen though. Curious presbyterian, Curious pilgrim, restless presbyterian, restless pilgrim. (^▽^)

      I agree with everything else you said though. I think they consider confusion to be their friend.

    2. Oh Sweet Moses! I apologize to Restless Pilgrim! I feel really bad about that type-o. My mistake. I hope he forgives me if he sees this and any others that read this posting. I stand corrected.

      Really sorry about that name switch.

      Yes, I have Restless Pilgrims blog on my "favorites" list and I go there quite often and read his postings. I don't know how this name switch happened unless it was because I was just over at his blog previously before coming to yours and was thinking of his name.

      So "YES" I do mean "Curious Presbyterian"..thank you very much for pointing this out.

      God Bless

    3. Lol! Yeah. It happens. My first thought was, "What?! When did that traitor switch sides?" Lol!

    4. ROTFLOL!! too funny!

      However, knowing what I know now about my Faith and Church, I just can't see how it's possible for me to betray Her.


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