Anti-Catholic says:
I've already answered question. I do not believe in OSAS.
Actually, you haven't addressed my point. Feel free to drop it if you feel badgered.But this is the point I'm making. The Pentecostal or Evangelical supposed denial of OSAS is simply a different version of the same doctrine. Why?
1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you believe that you were saved by your faith ALONE.. Because you said, "To have true faith is to be saved." Is that correct?
2. Now, if a person has true faith, according to you, can that person fall away?
3. Also, you know the day you were saved and the hour you were saved and you do not believe that you, personally, can ever fall away. Am I correct?
I believe I know the answer to those questions. But correct me if I'm wrong.
You believe you have true faith.
Therefore, you believe you are saved.
Therefore, you believe you will not fall away.
If that's what you believe, then you believe in OSAS.
If you do not believe that, then I have to admit that I have been wrong in this discussion. And I remain baffled by your statement that the parable of the sheep and goats can be viewed through the lens of faith alone. Because the only lens ever presented to me by a Protestant, Evangelical or otherwise, has been, OSAS. The sheep were saved because they were always saved. The goats were condemned because they didn't have true faith.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
this My pastor and other spiritual leaders will be held accountable for how they have lead me and what they have taught me. Therefore, I should respect, honor, and obey their godly counsel.
Wow! That is a first. The response is virtually the same as that I would receive from a Catholic.
There is nothing about confession in this verse.
Except for this part. The verse in question,
, is a description of what occurs in the Sacrament of Confession.
1. We submit to our Priest.
2. We confess to them our sins because we acknowledge that they watch over our souls.
3. They give an account of our sins to God when they pray for God to forgive our sins.
4. We obey their command when they give us the penance which we must do in order to make satisfaction for our sins.
Its all there in a very concise manner. Protestants don't recognize it because they have dumped the Traditions of Jesus Christ which are the basis of the New Testament.
De Maria