Thursday, November 27, 2014

The triple sign of the Cross

As I was going over the things to expect on your first time to the Church, it occurred to me that there is a ritual we perform before the reading of the Gospel, that many people find confusing.   I know that I never knew what it meant as a youngster.  I only learned it after I came back to the Church.  Years after I came back to the Church.  By that time I was almost thirty years old.

For those not familiar with this ritual, after we come into Church for Mass and say the preliminary prayers, we begin to listen to Scripture Readings.  The last Scripture reading is from the Gospel.  At this point, everyone stands and proclaims, "Alleluia!" (Except during Lent when we say, "Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ!"

Then, the Priest or Deacon says, "A reading from the Holy Gospel according to…."  to which we respond, "Glory to you Lord Jesus Christ!"

Simultaneously, we begin to move our right hand in front of our face in this manner and pray this prayer:

First, you trace a cross over your eyes, touch your right thumb to your forehead, from you forehead you move your thumb to your nose, then your your left cheek, then your right cheek.  And you begin quietly, to yourself, to pray saying, "May the Word of God be ever on my mind…."

Then, you trace a cross over your mouth, touch your nose, your chin, the left corner of your mouth, then the right corner of your mouth and say, "On my lips…."

Then,  you trace a cross over your heart, still with your right thumb, cross your heart, and say, "and in my heart".  (See notes at the bottom)

Some people stop there but I was taught to do a fourth cross, the one with which we're all familiar.

And say, "In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit".

And then we remain standing as we listen to the Gospel.

As a youngster, I could see that it was some form of the sign of the Cross, and I could see some people mouthing some words, but it is a silent prayer so I couldn't make out what they were saying.  I was always afraid and ashamed to ask anyone what it meant.  

Now, I've met many people who were in the same boat with me.  We need to do better as Catholics and not presume that everyone knows, even our own children, everything that we are doing.

Anyway, I hope that helps newbies and even oldies who had never thought about why we do that.

Notes:  There are slight variations of the triple sign of the cross which are less complicated.  The prayer remains the same.  

1.  With your thumb, tap your forehead three times, tap your lips three times, and tap your heart three times.


2.  With your thumb, trace a small cross on your forehead, another on your lips and another on your heart.


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