Thursday, January 10, 2013

Amen! to Msgr. Edward J. Filardi

I learned about this pastoral letter on Steve Ray's blog.   From there, I followed the link to the Church Bulletin where it is contained.

Pastor’s Letter

Welcome to Sodom. Yes, that is what Maryland has now become. Sodom with its neighbor Gomorrah was a city of antiquity whose disregard for the natural law of human love led to its destruction. That same disregard is now written into state law. The distinctive physical and life-cultivating compli- mentarity of woman and man has been dismissed as a basis for marriage. Additionally, those who cannot honor this dilut- ed definition in their personal and business activities will be held legally liable for discrimination and punished accordingly.

Already, the owner of a trolley service in Annapolis seeing this coming announced he will no longer offer wedding ser- vices. By doing so he will lose much of his business, but he cannot in good faith go along with treating as normal what is not, neither can we.

It is a great sadness that many of Satan’s helpers in usher- ing in this demonic distortion of marriage were Catholics, such as our governor. In promoting this desecration they have not only brought dishonor to our holy faith and shame to all Cath- olics, but invite the real possibility of damnation on them- selves. We must pray that they recognize this error, repent and make reparation.

Some may interpret my words as an unfair disregard for individuals who bear same-gender attraction. It is not. Such brothers and sister must be loved and embraced. Indeed, we must make greater efforts of proper inclusion and support. At the same time true love is not allowance for any activity. It has no authority to overlook what is written in nature. Love cannot comply with a lie. It first honors what God has de- signed, and then encourages all to live in authentic love that leads to true fulfillment.
Nothing changes for us, because God defines marriage. This has not changed. The purposeful union of man and woman was the crown of God creation. Anything else by that name mocks what God has created, and therefore mocks God.

Maryland is our home. It is where we are placed, and it is where we will continue to live. But especially now we must live upholding in word and honor the truth of marriage with clarity. We cannot betray what God has created without be- traying God. This means never placating or playing along with a false notion, no matter how “well intention” some may be. Itwillnotbeeasy. Wedosoattheriskoftheireand even legal sanctions this will invoke.

Our beloved state is now a modern-day Sodom. We should not be surprised at the coming of confusion, conflict, and even catastrophe. We reap what we sow.

May God have mercy on us.

Msgr. Edward J. Filardi

1 comment:

  1. It's wonderful to hear of a priest upholding a truth of the Faith. But it makes me wonder how long it will take the bishop to suspend this priest once the liberal media hears about his statements. Because let's face it, the bishops think it's fine to give Holy Communion to an acknowledged, active, lesbian, Buddist but I think he will have a problem with this priest stating the truth about homosexuality. The bishops are uneasy with truth, they want the media to like them. So watch out Father it shouldn't be to long before you are suspended, forced to write a letter of apology and sent for psychoanalysis.


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