Its always funny to me when people with whom I debate expect me to set aside the 2000 year authority of the Catholic Church and replace it with their own wisdom. Here's the argument I just confronted on another forum:
Here is the issue that I am seeing regarding the posts between you two. It all revolves around one major discrepancy and that is the assumption that the Catholic Church is The Church. Until that is nailed down I don't think we can continue to base all authority of what is and is not a law upon the ideals of this institution.
Here is what I said in reply. I parsed the argument so that I could confront each point more effectively:
Here is the issue that I am seeing regarding the posts between you two. It all revolves around one major discrepancy and that is the assumption that the Catholic Church is The Church.Non sequitur.
1. It is my informed and studied conclusion that the Catholic Church is the Church.
2. No one here has proven it to be wrong. Therefore, describing my assumption as a discrepancy, in other words, as an error, is an error in itself. Since no one has proved my conclusion false.
3. The opposite assumption, that everyone else is correct in assuming that the Catholic Church is not The Church is not proven either. Therefore, concluding that they are correct and I am in error is another error of logic on your part.
4. And I believe I have provided more evidence for the truth of my assumption than anyone else for the proof of theirs.
Until that is nailed down I don't think we can continue to base all authority of what is and is not a law upon the ideals of this institution.You may base your assumptions on whatever authority you wish. However, when you confront me, I will compare your assumptions and mine to Scripture to see which are actually in line with the Written Word of God.
1st. I use the Scriptures to explain that which I believe.
2nd. I happen to believe that the Catholic Church is right based upon the facts:
a. that I see Her Doctrines in the Scriptures and....
b. that I don't see any non-Catholic doctrine which contradicts the Catholic Church in the Scriptures.
c. In fact, I can trace those contra-Catholic doctrines to verses in Scripture which contradict them.
3rd. Those with whom I am debating want me to abandon the obvious authority of the Church and replace it with their personal authority.
a. That statement confuses many. But it is true.
b. The Catholic Church relies upon the authority of Scripture.
c. I rely upon the authority of Scripture to confirm the authority of the Church.
d. But, non-Catholics expect me to rely upon them as my authority to understand the Word of God. When I believe I am perfectly capable of understanding the Word of God and my understanding of the Word of God has led me to the Catholic Church.
4th. I'm not asking you or anyone else to believe the Teachings of the Catholic Church. I am simply explaining my beliefs. And I am explaining them, from Scripture.
So, there you go.
P.S. join me on my daily Rosary walk.
De Maria
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