Just musing....
I was musing about Mary and the birth of Jesus when these thoughts came to me...
Did you realize that when a man and woman come together and conceive a child, the father puts in 50% of the dna and the mother puts in 50% of the dna which means the flesh, but God puts in 100% of the Spirit.
The natural or human father has nothing to do with the spirit in his child. The Father in heaven gives it and the human mother bears it in her womb.
Is there any wonder why men get on tv and the first words out of their mouth are "Hi mom".
The Bible says that women shall be saved in childbearing (1 Tim 2:15).
Since the spirit is given directly by God into the mothers womb, does that mean that the Spirit has overshadowed the mother? Does that mean that if a mother has one, two, three etc etc children, the Spirit has overshadowed her that many times? No wonder women will be saved in childbirth!
The Church teaches that Mary is the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. If God is the Father of the human spirit and the woman is the bearer of that human spirit in her womb, does that mean that each and every woman is a spouse of the Holy Spirit?
Scott Hahn says that Adam in the Garden was the Priest of that first temple.
The Jewish priests entered alone into the Temple of God. And a Franciscan Priest said to me that each Father is Priest at home. Does that mean that when I enter into my wife, I am a priest in that holy temple and when God entered into Mary, God was the Priest in that Holy of Holies and when God places the spirit of her child into a woman's body, God is the Priest in that temple.
Just musing.
Let me know what you think.
De Maria
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