Saturday, September 8, 2012

One ex-Catholic to another

Hi Lutero ,
You said:
By your comment it shows you are plainly irked at my comment
That is true.
because my comment was in generalization at not targeting a specific denomination.
Ha, ha, ha! I was born yesterday, but I wasn’t born last night. Let me put it like this. Riiiiiiight.
You have revealed the weakness of the Catholic Church.
??? If you perceive a weakness in me, why do you then apply it to the Catholic Church? Are your weaknesses all applicable to your Protestant upbringing?
Therefore i must say this: “If the cap suits you, then by all means wear it”.
But I see that the cap fits you best. So, it is yours to wear.
I am now a Baptist. I have been an ex-Catholic myself and I know I am writing of the things I know about and lived with.
I was ex-Catholic for 15 years of my life. Then God opened my eyes to the truth of the Catholic Church and I returned as quick as I could. I hope that God, one day opens your eyes as well.
De Maria

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