Friday, November 23, 2012

Please don’t take this wrongly

Hi Lutero,
Thanks again for the reply.Please don’t take this wrongly(these are just my opinions), but the more you answer my questions the more I felt that your “Roman Catholic Church” is not the same with the “Roman Catholic Church” I grew up with. It seems like, what you know is based on what you read and understand, mine is what i actually do as a Catholic and what is taught to me by those who are called leaders of the church.
I understand. I also fell away from the Church at a young age. I realize now that I fell away from the Church because I did not understand what my leaders were telling me. Further, I realize that I didn’t understand because I didn’t have faith. God does not grant understanding to people simply because they study. God grants understanding to those who obey His Word.
St. Augustine, probably the greatest teacher of the Christian faith, said, “believe that you may understand”.
You mentioned “We have that intimacy with God in the Eucharist.”This convince me that what you say is based what you read/studied. I have done this so many times yet i never felt God in my heart the way I feel for Him now. If this is what you called intimacy, I have been there and its not, there is more.
Again, I understand. When I was making my first communion, one of the reasons I fell away is because I was told that I would FEEL the grace pour through me. But I didn’t. Therefore, I thought it must be a lie.
However, just because I have never felt the grace pour through me, doesn’t mean that it isn’t real.
The fact is that our human feelings are fickle. If you rely upon your human feelings to believe in God, you will find yourself converting away from God all together when those human feelings fail you. Faith in God is a movement of the will. You must believe in God even when you can’t believe your eyes and your taste buds. God is in the Eucharist. Faith alone reveals this to you.
You said, “We don’t worship the Saints nor any images. If you were raised Catholic, you should know this”. I am not so sure if you really know what you are talking about. Tell it to the Pope because he approved this; in YouTube: watch?v=mI0ORjmXso4&feature=related.
The Pope does not approve of worshipping anyone but God.
LoL! “We kiss them and pray to them because the Saints whom they represent are alive in Christ. Have you ever kissed pictures of your mom or spouse or children? Same thing.” I know what you are saying, I used this before when I was a Catholic and made the Baptist classmate of mine cry in an argument. But again I know what you are saying but his not what I mean.And by the way, I was born-again by accident, nobody tried to convert me. I was attending 2 churches at the same time for a year. My Catholics friends told me its wrong, the other group said they don’t mind if I still attend to the Catholic church. I just pray to God and ask Him to bring me to the right path.

If you have left the Catholic Church, that was not the answer to your prayer.
Thank you again for your time. God Bless.
Thanks for your cordial messages and God bless you also.
De Maria

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