The greatest witness we have to the historical fact of Jesus Christ's existence, is the fact that after His Resurrection and Ascension, His followers began to celebrate HIS DEATH???? as the central doctrine of their faith.

It is documented even amongst the pagans that His followers came together to eat His Body and drink His Blood. A Tradition commonly known as Communion.

At the time, His followers were mainly Jewish converts who threw off centuries of indoctrination which considered the Trinity a heresy, the consumption of blood a heinous sin and death on a cross the ultimate punishment for the most heinous of criminals.

The only explanation that makes sense to me, is that these people witnessed something, either the miracle of Jesus' resurrection or the miracles of the Apostles who preached in His name. Without that witness, I don't know why anyone would convert to the sect of a leader who claimed to be God but was killed on a cross.

What say you?


De Maria