Monday, August 20, 2012

Hi Lutero,
You said,
Studying the history of the reformation, it seems to me people were completely fed up with what Catholicism was at the time.
Then they were fed up with the Wisdom of God (Ephesians 3:10).
In many ways a political and financial institution, acting as a weight on them and corrupt and scandal ridden.
Jesus Himself said that the weeds would be amongst the wheat to the end (Matt 13:30). Yet, He still established the Church and said that it would not succumb to the Gates of Hell (Matt 16:18).
Fed up people said we want to re-establish a Church based on what Jesus said using the Bible put together by the Church they were leaving as the basis.
Because they have cast aside the institution which Christ built (Matt 16:18Heb 13:17) and substituted themselves as authority over God’s word (Eph 2:2).
For me I don’t see how this point on Sola Scriptura not being clearly defined in the Bible is a crushing blow given the historic circumstances. Logic leeds in one in their situation in the direction they went. For example, a book of math proofs is a perfectly legitimate thing to base your belief in the truth of math on. But no math proof is ever going to prove math is a source of truth. That math is a source of truth must be presupposed. The Bible is the same, in fact if the truth of the Bible is presupposed Christianity becomes a nonsense. The difference between math and the Bible of course is no new revelation of truth is going to be added to the Bible. Knowing it is complete and a source of truth, it then becomes completely logical to base your belief on it solely.
The problem is that you are not relying upon the Bible. You are relying upon YOUR interpretation of the Bible and casting aside that Institution which Jesus built and which Scripture calls the Pillar of Truth (1 Tim 3:15).


De Maria

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